Difference between Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds

At JW Diamonds, we exclusively craft our exquisite pieces using natural diamonds. These gems, formed over millions of years within the Earth, radiate authenticity, and a unique story with every facet. Beyond their stunning brilliance, our natural diamonds symbolize enduring love, rarity, and a commitment to the Earth’s profound craftsmanship.


Natural Diamonds

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Authenticity & Rarity

Formed over millions of years deep within the Earth’s mantle.

Created in controlled laboratory environments.

Possess unparalleled authenticity and inherent rarity.

Lack the geological history and natural rarity of mined gems.

Unique Inclusions

Natural imperfections and inclusions add character and charm.

Fewer inclusions due to controlled growth conditions.

Considered as “nature’s fingerprints,” enhancing uniqueness.

May lack the distinctive characteristics of natural diamonds.

Geological Heritage

Carries a profound geological heritage spanning millions of years.

Lacks the deep connection to the Earth’s history.

Symbolizes the Earth’s history and natural beauty.

Originates from laboratory processes, not geological formation.

Traditional Symbolism

Deeply embedded in cultural and historical significance.

May lack the same historical and cultural symbolism.

Symbolizes enduring love, rarity, and commitment.

Increasing in popularity but may not hold the same tradition.

Capturing Brilliance: Our Dazzling Diamonds Collection

Explore our curated collection of diamonds, each a radiant embodiment of elegance and timelessness. Whether you're celebrating a milestone or expressing profound love, our diamonds are selected with care, ensuring that each stone carries its own unique brilliance. Elevate your moments with the sparkle that lasts a lifetime.